The Board of Trustees of the Institute of General Semantics honors individuals who, through their publications and creative contributions, have made significant contributions to our understanding of language and symbol use, epistemology, and humanity, consistent with the discipline of general semantics and allied non-aristotelian approaches.
On March 20, 2021, the following fellowship of nine individuals were approved as our first 21st century Fellows of the Institute of General Semantics:
Laura Bertone (Argentina)
Isabel Caro Gabalda (Spain)
Milton Dawes (Canada)
Nicholas Johnson (USA)
TC McLuhan (Canada/USA)
Deepa Mishra (India)
Terence P. Moran (USA)
Douglas Rushkoff (USA)
Deborah Tannen (USA)
For our current list of Fellows of the Institute of General Semantics, please see our Fellows page.