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  • 1 Jul 2023 1:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for Nominations for the

    Institute of General Semantics

    2023 Prizes and Awards


    The Sanford I. Berman Award

    The Berman Award recognizes excellence in teaching general semantics. The award is open to educators on any level of formal schooling, as well as teachers participating in non-traditional settings. Entry requirements: A letter of nomination or self-nomination and supporting materials.


    The Christine L. Nystrom Prize

    The Nystrom Prize is awarded to a student currently enrolled in a masters or doctoral level graduate program for outstanding scholarship in the form of a paper on the topic of symbols and meaning. The winning entry will be published in the IGS journal, ETC: A Review of General Semantics, and receive a cash prize of $500. Entry requirements: A

    letter from an advisor attesting to the student’s current status, and a paper taking the form of a scholarly article (entries should be previously unpublished).


    The S.I. Hayakawa Book Prize

    The Hayakawa Book Prize is awarded to the most outstanding work published in the past five years on topics of direct relevance to the discipline of general semantics. The prize includes a cash award of $1,000. Entry requirements: A letter of nomination or self-nomination and one copy of the book.


    The IGS awards and prizes will be presented at our annual Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture in New York City on October 27, 2023. Winners will be invited to attend and participate in our symposium to follow on October 28-29, 2023).


    Send inquiries and nominations to IGS President Lance Strate at


    Deadline for nominations: July 31, 2023.

  • 8 Mar 2023 1:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Introduction to General Semantics
    An In-Person Seminar
    June 19-21
    New York City

    The Institute of General Semantics is pleased to sponsor an in-person seminar on general semantics and related non-aristotelian systems. The 3-day intensive course will include lecture, discussion, and exercises designed to provide participants with a thorough grounding in the discipline and its applications.

    The seminar leaders will include IGS trustees Mary P. Lahman, Corey Anton, and Lance Strate. The seminar fee is $100 for IGS members, $150 for non-members, and will cover the cost of course materials. 

    For more information and to register, click here.

  • 8 Mar 2023 1:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Institute of General Semantics invites submissions for its Ecologies of Mind, Media, and Meaning 2 Symposium, to be held online via Zoom on Saturday, April 29th.

    Last year’s online symposium sponsored by the IGS, Science, Sanity, and the Semantic Environment 2, featured 20 presentations from Australia, Asia, Europe, and South and North America. This year we again continue the theme from this past October’s in-person symposium accompanying our annual Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture in New York City, which was chosen in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the publication of Steps to an Ecology of Mind by Gregory Bateson.

    We welcome presentations on topics related to general semantics, including language and symbolic communication, meaning and perception, epistemology and evaluation, etc.; on topics related to media ecology, including representation and reality, technology and environments, art and awareness, etc.; and topics related to cybernetics, systems theory, schismogenesis, etc.

    Please send all submissions and queries to IGS President Lance Strate at by April 1st, 2023.
  • 3 Dec 2022 1:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    “Politics and General Semantics”

    Looking at the world today, we find much polarization, unrest and political turmoil. People squabble, gossip, jump to conclusions, traffic in hearsay, and engage in many forms of interaction that contribute to the overall dis-ease of the political milieu and social world. Over the past decade, families and familiar bonds have sour over political disputes. Many people do not want this and they wish the world were a saner place, but they lack the resources for both understanding political unrest and for handling it.

    To what extent does general semantics hold vital resources for those who would grasp political quandaries?

    What orientations, practices or principles from general semantics best helps people deal with the contemporary political climate? For example, how do concepts such as “Consciousness of abstracting,” “non-allness,” “indexing,” “dating,” “etc.” help people in thinking clearly about political issues? Which issues, specifically, would benefit most from the insights of general semantics? For example, how might someone well-versed in general semantics talk about topics such as: 2nd amendment, mask mandates, LGBTQ, abortion, black lives matter, the me-too movement, Q-Anon & conspiracy theory, gerrymandering, fake news, etc.? Would those most versed in general semantics likely lean to either the left or the right of the political spectrum, or to the middle, or, might they be less inclined to engage in certain kinds of political discourse, especially where terms are ill-defined and/or things taken out of context?

    This CALL FOR PAPERS seeks to solicit papers, of any length, for a special issue of ETC. We are seeking meaningful contributions to the question of how, exactly, the study and practice of general semantics can help people understand and handle political strife. 

    Papers should be formatted to either APA or MLA. For submissions, No Later Than March 1st, 2023, and/or for more information, please contact Corey Anton (

  • 2 Dec 2022 3:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The IGS will be a co-sponsor of the 24th annual Media Ecology Association convention, to be held at Fordham University in New York City on June 22-25, 2023. Featured speakers include Michael Schudson, Richard Sennett, Douglas Rushkoff, and Vera Dika. For more information, click here.

  • 20 Aug 2021 2:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Institute of General Semantics is hosting the 69th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture and a two-day general semantics symposium at the Players Club in New York City on October 1-3, 2021.

    Reservations are required to attend the events.  Reservations and papers are now being accepted.

    • To reserve your spot at the AKML and symposium, click here.
    • Call for Papers Details:

    Science, Sanity, and the Semantic Environment

    Submission Deadline: September 1, 2021

    The Institute of General Semantics is sponsoring a two-day general semantics symposium co-sponsored by the New York Society for General Semantics and the Media Ecology Association. The symposium — titled Science, Sanity, and the Semantic Environment — will be hosted October 2-3, 2021, at The Players Club in New York City. It will follow the 69th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture, which will be presented on Friday evening, October 1st, 2021.

    Email papers, proposals, and inquiries on this year’s theme by September 1, 2021, to Lance Strate (President, Institute of General Semantics) at

    About General Semantics

    General semantics is a popular, practical discipline that applies modern scientific thinking toward the solution of personal and professional problems. Through the application of general semantics ideas and principles, general semantics brings about clearer thinking, peaceful interaction, and greater sanity to one's life. General semantics has served as the foundation for numerous approaches to human problems with its unique applications adapted from modern science.

  • 2 May 2021 2:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Siva Vaidhyanathan

    The Institute of General Semantics is pleased to announce that Siva Vaidhyanathan will deliver the 69th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture on October 1, 2021.

    A two-day general semantics symposium will follow on October 2-3, 2021.

    Details on the events are in the early stages of planning. Save the dates and watch the IGS website ( for updates.

    • For more information about the 69th AKML, and to RSVP, click here.
    • For more information about the two-day general semantics symposium, and to RSVP, click here.

    About the Speaker

    A cultural historian, media scholar, and lecturer, Siva Vaidhyanathan speaks on the impact of digitalization on society and democracy. In his speeches, he encourages audiences to consider how technology like Google and social media shape the way we think, and what we can do to foster a new Internet ecosystem designed to benefit the whole world.

    At the University of Virginia, Siva serves as the Robertson Professor of Media Studies and the director of the Center for Media and Citizenship. He is a frequent contributor on media and cultural issues on public radio shows and news programs, notably BBC, CNN and NBC.

    Siva has authored several books, including Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2018). His articles have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian and The Nation.

    About the AKML

    • For a history of the Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture Series, click here.

    About General Semantics

    General semantics is a popular, practical discipline that applies modern scientific thinking toward the solution of personal and professional problems. Through the application of general semantics ideas and principles, general semantics brings about clearer thinking, peaceful interaction, and greater sanity to one's life. General semantics has served as the foundation for numerous approaches to human problems with its unique applications adapted from modern science.

  • 23 Jun 2020 2:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 68th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture is scheduled for the evening of October 9, 2020. The 2020 General Semantics Symposium is scheduled for two days, October 10-11, 2020.

    Originally, IGS scheduled these events to take place at the Princeton Club in New York City.

    However, because of the ongoing pandemic, the board of trustees for the Institute of General Semantics has decided this year to transform the 68th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture and the 2020 General Semantics Symposium into virtual events.

    Therefore, there will be no physical events this year at the Princeton Club in New York City.

    Instead, IGS will host virtual events in their place.

    Details will be announced at a later date on the IGS News Blog on how to participate in the virtual AKML and symposium.

  • 12 Feb 2020 2:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Updated June 23, 2020, to reflect that both events will now be virtual events.

    The Institute of General Semantics has announced the 2020 dates for the 68th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture and the Two-Day General Semantics Symposium.

    The 68th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture and dinner will take place on Friday evening, October 9, 2020 at the Princeton Club in New York City. This year, because of the pandemic, IGS will host the Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture virtually.

    It will be followed on Saturday and Sunday, October 10-11, 2020, with a two-day general semantics symposium at the Princeton Club. The symposium will also be hosted virtually.

    The 68th AKML

    The 68th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecturer is to be announced at a later date. For more information on the 68th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture, its preceding dinner, and ticketing information, click here.  For a history of the Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture Series, click here.

    The GS Symposium

    The topic for the 2020 general semantics symposium is Language and “Reality” in the 21st Century.  For more information on the 2020 symposium and ticketing information, click here.

    Calls for Papers, Presentations & Nominations

    Also, the Institute of General Semantics has released a call for papers and presentations for the symposium. The deadline for symposium submissions is September 1, 2020.

    In addition, the Institute of General Semantics has released a call for nominations for this year's Hayakawa Book Prize. The deadline for submissions is also September 1, 2020.   For a history of the Hayakawa Book Prize, click here.

  • 1 May 2019 2:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Submission Deadline: September 1, 2019

    The Institute of General Semantics is sponsoring a two-day general semantics symposium co-sponsored by the New York Society for General Semantics and the Media Ecology Association. The symposium -- titled The Tyranny of Words* -- will be hosted at the Princeton Club in New York City October 12th-13th, 2019. It will follow the 67th Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecture, which will be presented on Friday evening, October 11th, 2019.  * The 2019 symposium title was originally "Communication in the 21st Century." Prior submissions under that title will still be honored. Send papers, proposals, and inquiries by September 1, 2019, to mandklevin [at] For more information, contact Martin H. Levinson, President of the Institute of General Semantics, by phone at (212) 729-7973 or by mail at: Martin H. Levinson c/o Institute of General Semantics Attn: 2019 Symposium 72-11 Austin Street #233 Forest Hills, NY 11375

    About General Semantics

    General semantics is a popular, practical discipline that applies modern scientific thinking toward the solution of personal and professional problems. Through the application of general semantics ideas and principles, general semantics brings about clearer thinking, peaceful interaction, and greater sanity to one's life. General semantics has served as the foundation for numerous approaches to human problems with its unique applications adapted from modern science.

Institute of General Semantics
401 Park Avenue South
Ste. 873
New York, NY 10016

Phone: +1 (201) 745-3693
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Quarterly Journal ETC: A Review of General Semantics

ETC contributes to and advances the understanding of language, thought, and behavior. Each issue of ETC provides the latest research and discourse on general semantics.

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